Field & Tab services

Data Collection
- Questionnaire Design
- Questionnaire revision by client and fine-tuning before field.
- Pre-survey brief of local supervisors and interviewers.
- Programming of questionnaire ( +/- hosting); ConfirmIT, Decipher, Qualtrics, Surveymonkey,Voxco, etc.
- Printing questionnaire ( for PAPI surveys & F2F Qual sessions).
- Pilot interviews.
- Post pilot briefing (review short falls, contingencies and difficulties Etc.)
- Launch full survey.
- Recruitment respondents –quotas (approaching- screening- appointment).
- Interviewing of respondents.
- Payments of incentives.
- Quality checking & recalls.
- Coding of Open Ends ( all quant).
- Periodical field updates.

Data Entry & Processing
- Hosting & programming of questionnaire before field ( for online, CAPI surveys); ConfirmIT, Decipher, Qualtrics, Voxco, etc.
- Program & Data entry during / after field ( for PAPI).
- Quality checking, cleaning, validation and checkup.
- Recall Respondents for inconsistent data- if needed.
- Coding of Open Ends ( all quant interviews).
- English Transcription ( all qual interviews).
- Sending Final Deliverables (Field&Tab: data only).
- Periodical data patches during field.
- Final Raw data table to client ( after field).
- English Typed Transcripts to client (Qual sessions- During and after field).