Our Methodologies

Secondary / Desk Research
It involves scanning and analyzing data that is already available.
- It involves scanning and analyzing data that is already available.
- Data gathered form internal sources, open access sources, published sources or syndicated sources.
- Less cost/ budget (around 10 times cheaper than primary research studies of the same scope).
- Less time frame/ faster output
- Data gathered might be old and not updated. You may have missing data or general, no specific data.
- Data quality is questioned ( depends on the source and procedures/ QC applied by author/ agency.
- Need 1 person (in-house work).
Primary Research/ Field Research
It’s done via data collection/ data capture techniques and used to to test/ verify data gathered in secondary research and to gain new/ fresh/ updated data directly from field.
- Used for customized/ ahoc research studies ( specific research objectives, information areas, sample& respondents)More cost/ budget.
- More time frame/ need field work.
- All information areas are covered and research questions are answered.
- Data quality is guaranteed/ supervised by agency during field work.
- Need researchers & team ( usually by external agencies).

Qualitative Research
It involves scanning and analyzing data that is already available.
- (IDI) In-depth Interview
- (TDI) Tel-depth Interview
- (WATDI) Web Assisted Tel-depth Interview
- Ethnographies
- Observation Research
- Writings & Diaries Self admin
- Action Research
- Case Studies
- Dyad/ Duo/ PDI Paired depth interview
- Traid
- Mini Group Discussion
- Focus Group Discussion
- Online Focus Groups
- Online Bulletin/ Forum
Quantitative Research
It’s done via data collection/ data capture techniques and used to to test/ verify data gathered in secondary
- (PAPI) Pen and Paper Personal Interviews
- CAPI- offline Computer Assisted Personal Interviews
- CAPI- online Computer Assisted Personal Interviews
- CAMI- Offline/Online Computer-assisted mobile interviews
- CATI Computer Assisted Tel Interviews
- IVR Interactive Voice Response
- Mail Surveys (Postal Surveys)
- Email Surveys (Panel - Online)
- SMS / MMS Surveys
- CAWI /Online /Web Survey Self taken
- (ACASI) Audio Computer Assisted Self Interviews
- (VCASI) Video Computer Assisted Self Interviews
- (TACASI) Telephone Audio Computer Assisted Self Interviews
- Home Interviews (Door to Door)
- Intercept Interviews (ex street)
- Exit Interviews (ex malls, hospitals)

Mystery Shopping
It involves scanning and analyzing data that is already available.
- Data gathered form internal sources, open access sources, published sources or syndicated sources.
- Less cost/ budget (around 10 times cheaper than primary research studies of the same scope).
- Less time frame/ faster output
- Data gathered might be old and not updated. You may have missing data or general, no specific data.
- Data quality is questioned ( depends on the source and procedures/ QC applied by author/ agency.
- Need 1 person (in-house work).